Hello, all The Edge is expanding into new ventures.
Here is Scattered Nexus: Two players form teams of characters from different indie comics across the comic multiverse to defeat their foes and be the last player standing.
Play characters from your comics, then attack and use abilities to reduce your opponent’s deck to zero cards. If they ever try to draw a card and have none, they are defeated!
We are going to make a few of The Edge cards available before the game is fully released.
Here is your first look. Note the cards could change before release.
Find out more about Scattered Nexus here  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/slimstudio/scattered-nexus-0 and hereÂ
This will be added to the Kickstarter as soon as we reach 100 backers. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/theedgecomic/the-edge-volume-one-trade-paperback
The Revenant lego is something that is coming soon. So keep an eye out for it, as I rebuild the website and the store.